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Delivering life saving water with new charity initiative

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From our teams taking part in charity abseils to donating vital funds for worthy causes, we’re committed to supporting our community and beyond. We are now proud to announce our latest Corporate Social Responsibility initiative: investing in AquAid Water Coolers’ Well Building Project. 

In this blog, Gemma Dolman, Indirect Sourcing Buyer at Bristan Group who has helped organise the initiative, discusses what this project is all about. 

Water coolers for good 

We’ve been given the opportunity to help those less fortunate than ourselves by investing in AqAid water coolers. With each purchase made at Bristan’s head office, AquAid makes an automatic donation to The Africa Trust, which helps to fund water pumps. These are a modified version of an age-old Chinese rope pulley system, which provide a source of clean and fresh drinking water and decent sanitation for those in poverty.
This has a positive impact on the community as the pump reduces the need for households having to walk an average of 7 miles per day to retrieve water, often from contaminated sources. 

Also, finding water usually falls to the children or women in a community. The time saved can now allow the children to attend school and gain a better education. The adults are better equipped to grow crops and create a sustainable source of income ensuring better living conditions, a healthier environment and more positive future for themselves and their families.

To date, AquAid has built over 8,000 water pumps across part of Liberia, Malawi, Mozambique and Zimbabwe. 

A proud moment for Bristan Group

Currently, one of the pumps funded by the business has been built in Manicaland – a province in the north eastern highlands of Zimbabwe – and generously painted in honour of Bristan Group’s contribution. We are also looking forward to receiving a letter of thanks from the villagers to our site in the near future. 
To find out more about Bristan Group’s community support, visit here.