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LAST REVISED: 15th July 2024


This Cookies & Similar Technologies Policy (“CST Policy”) describes the different types of cookies and similar technologies that are used by Bristan Group Ltd. on www.thebristan.com  (the “Website”). We may change this CST Policy at any time. Please see the “LAST REVISED” date at the top of this page for the latest revision of this CST Policy. Any changes in this CST Policy will become effective when we make the revised CST Policy available on or via the “Website”.

If you have any questions, please contact us by email at gdpr@bristan.com.



Cookies are a standard feature of websites that allow us to store small amounts of data about your visit to our website on your computer. Cookies help us learn which areas of the website are useful and which areas need improvement. For this purpose, we also use technologies similar to cookies, such as Flash Local Shared Objects (also known as Flash cookies) or pixel tags.

You can choose whether to accept the use of cookies and similar technologies in general by changing the settings on your browser, or by changing specific settings for the website (as set out in Section 3 of this CST Policy). However, if you disable cookies and similar technologies, your experience on the website may be diminished and some features may not work as intended.


Below we list the different types of cookies and similar technologies that are used on the website. To the extent any personal information is collected through cookies,
Privacy Policy applies and complements this CST Policy.

Essential/Necessary Cookies.

Essential cookies enable you to navigate the Website and to use its services and features. Without these absolutely necessary cookies, the Website will not perform as smoothly for you as we would like it to, and we may not be able to provide the Website or certain services or features.

 Description  Type &
1st or 
3rd Party  


Bristan website uses Sitecore and this relates to the cookie stored by the
functionality of the website. When a user starts browsing a unique session 
is created, which keeps track of all the information regarding that session.     


 1st party

shell#lang..... .. 

Stores Sitecore language preference. 

              Session           .

..1st  party

Preference/Functional Cookies.  

Preference or functional cookies collect information about your choices and preferences, and allow
us to remember language or other local settings and customize the Website accordingly. 




Type &    Expiration

1st party or
3rd party

AEC                                    .....................................................                                                      

AEC cookies ensure that requests within a browsing session are made by
the user,  and not by other sites. These cookies prevent malicious sites
from acting on behalf of a user without that user's knowledge.                                                                                                                                                                                                               

6 months 

3rd party
Google LLC 
Google Cookie Policy


Google uses the 'SOCS' cookie, which lasts for 13 months, to store a
user's state regarding their cookies choices.

13 months

3rd party
Google LLC 
Google Cookie Policy


This cookie is set by LiveAgent and is used for providing online chat and
customer support functionality by Bristan. Captures how visitors arrive at
the bristan.com website from either search results or affiliate links. This
information won’t be available to agents without the cookie.

1 Year

3rd Party
Salesforce Inc.
Service Cloud Chat Cookies (salesforce.com)

liveagent_ptid    ...........................................                        

This cookie is set by LiveAgent and is used for providing online chat and
customer support functionality by Bristan Links previous chats and
transcripts from a single visitor. For chats without this cookie, new
LiveChatVisitor records or a new LiveChat Transcript are created
each time for the same visitor.

1 Year

3rd Party
Salesforce Inc.
Service Cloud Chat Cookies (salesforce.com)

 liveagent_sid This cookie is set by LiveAgent and is used for providing online chat and
customer support functionality by Bristan Captures a unique pseudonymous
ID when a user requests a chat during an active session. Agent won’t know
if a user is browsing to offer specific advice without the cookie.
 Session 3rd Party
Salesforce Inc.
Service Cloud Chat Cookies (salesforce.com)
 Liveagent_vc This cookie is set by LiveAgent and is used for providing online chat and customer support functionality by Bristan. Counts a user’s distinct browsing sessions on your website after closing previous sessions. Agent won’t see this information without the cookie.  Persistent,
1 Year
 3rd party
Salesforce Inc.
Service Cloud Chat Cookies (salesforce.com)


Analytics Cookies.

Analytics cookies collect information about your use of the Website and enables us to improve the way it works. For example, analytics cookies show us which are the most frequently visited pages on the Website, help us record any difficulties you have with the Website, and show us whether our advertising is effective or not. This allows us to see the overall patterns of usage on the Website, rather than the usage of a single person. We use the information to analyze Website traffic, but we do not examine this information for individually identifying information.




Type &

1st party or
3rd party


The cookie is used to calculate visitor, session, and campaign data and
keep track of site usage for the site’s analytics report. The cookies store
information anonymously and assign a randomly generated number to
identify unique visitors.

2 Years

3rd party –
Google LLC
Google Cookie Policy


This cookie is installed by Google Analytics. The cookie is used to register
a unique ID that is used to generate statistical data on how visitors use the

24 hours

3rd party –
Google LLC
Google Cookie Policy


Used by Google Analytics to identify and track an individual session with
your device. 

1 minute

3rd party –
Google LLC
Google Cookie Policy

 _gat_UA-<container-id> This is a pattern type cookie (_gat_UA-nnnnnnn-nn) set by Google Analytics,
where the pattern element on the name contains the unique identity number
of the account or website it relates to. It is used to limit the amount of data
collection on high traffic volume websites.
1 minute

3rd party –
Google LLC
Google Cookie Policy


Set by Google Analytics, this cookie supports analysis of the effectiveness
of our ads by capturing the related conversions.

90 days

3rd party –
Google LLC
Google Cookie Policy


This cookie is set by Hotjar and is a tool we use to improve customer experience
on our website. Holds current session data. Ensures subsequent requests in the
session window are attributed to the same session.

Persistent, 30 minutes,
extended on user activity. 

3rd Party, Hotjar, by Contentsquare
Hotjar cookies documentation  

 _hjSessionUser_{site_id} This cookie is set by Hotjar and is a tool we use to improve customer experience
on our website. Set when a user first lands on a page. Persists the Hotjar User ID
which is unique to that Bristan.com on the browser. Hotjar does not track users
across different sites. Ensures data from subsequent visits to the same site are
attributed to the same user ID
 365 days  3rd Party, Hotjar, by Contentsquare
Hotjar cookies documentation 


 Pending 180 days  3rd party –
Google LLC
Google Cookie Policy


Used to remember and maintain your browser preferences and other information,
such as preferred language, how many results you prefer to have shown on a
search results page and whether you want to have Google’s SafeSearch filter
turned on
13 months
 3rd party –
Google LLC
Google Cookie Policy
 SC_ANALYTICS_GLOBAL_COOKIE Site Core Analytics allows us improve the user experience on the Bristan.com
website. Stores an ID that represents the device (issued by Sitecore) and a
true/false value indicating whether visitor is a returning visitor to the site.
400 days
1st Party

Advertising Cookies

Advertising cookies are set to display targeted promotions or advertisements based upon your interests on the Website or to manage our advertising. These cookies collect information about your activities on this Website and other sites to provide you with targeted advertising.




Type &

1st party or
3rd party

_fbp      ....................................

This cookie is set by Facebook to deliver Advertising when they are on Facebook or a
digital platform powered by Facebook advertising after visiting this website. Tracking
is performed anonymously.

Persistent, 90 days

3rd party,
Facebook Cookie Policy

Google Analytics.

We use Google Analytics service (as provided by Google, Inc. ("Google"), which uses cookies and similar technologies to collect and analyze information about use of the Services and report on activities and trends. This service may also collect information regarding the use of other websites, apps and online resources.  You can learn about Google’s practices by going to www.google.com/policies/privacy/partners/ , and opt out of them by downloading the Google Analytics opt-out browser add-on, available at https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout.

Google reCAPTCHA.

This website uses the “reCAPTCHA” service by Google Inc. (“Google”) so that it can differentiate between cases when the forms provided on this website are completed by a natural person or misused by automated machine processing. This involves sending the IP address and possibly other data required by Google for reCAPTCHA to Google. Deviating data privacy provisions set out by Google apply here. By using the website, you consent to these data privacy regulations by implication. Please do not use the website if you object to these data privacy regulations.

Pixel tags.

Pixel tags (also known as web beacons and clear GIFs) are used to, among other things, track the actions of users of the Site, measure the success of our marketing campaigns, and compile statistics about usage of the Site and response rates.


We use Local Shared Objects (“LSOs”) and other technologies to, among other things, collect and store information about your use of the Site. If you do not want LSOs stored on your computer, you can adjust the settings of your settings to block LSO storage using the tools contained in the Website Storage Settings Panel. You can also go to the Global Storage Settings Panel and follow the instructions (which explain, for example, how to delete existing Flash LSOs (referred to in that website as “information”), how to prevent LSOs from being placed on your computer without your consent, and how to block LSOs that are not being delivered by the operator of the page you are on at the time). Please note that setting the Flash player to restrict or limit acceptance of Flash may reduce or impede the functionality of some Flash applications.

Browser or Device Information.

Certain information is collected by most browsers or automatically through your device, such as your Media Access Control (MAC) address, computer type (Windows or Mac), screen resolution, operating system name and version, device manufacturer and model, language, Internet browser type and version, and the name and version of the Site you are using. We use this information to ensure that the Site functions properly.

Physical Location.

We collect the physical location of your device by, for example, using satellite, cell phone tower, or WiFi signals. We use your device’s physical location to provide you with personalized location-based services and content. We also share your device’s physical location, combined with information about what advertisements you viewed and other information we collect, with our marketing partners to enable them to provide you with more personalized content and to study the effectiveness of advertising campaigns. In some instances, you can allow or deny such uses and sharing of your device’s location, but if you do, we and our marketing partners may not be able to provide you with the applicable personalized services and content.

Device Fingerprinting.

In order to be able to offer you content that we believe may interest you based on your activity on the Site, and for fraud prevention and authentication purposes, we may also use other technologies that are similar to cookies. For example, we may gather device attributes and combine information collected by most browsers or automatically through your device to create a unique ID that identifies your browser or device to us with reasonable certainty. In this context we may collect, use, and combine the following information:

  1. Number of visits
  2. Last visit
  3. First visit
  4. External IP address
  5. Internal IP address
  6. Screen resolution
  7. Geolocation (latitude/longitude based on IP address)
  8. Device performance benchmark
  9. Device bandwidth benchmark
  10. Device user-agent (browser type, version)
  11. Device capabilities (Modernizer string for browser capabilities)
  12. Device operating system
  13. Device plugins installed
  14. Browser language
  15. Flash enabled or disabled
  16. Device time on file
  17. Keywords used if coming from search engine
  18. Pages visited
  19. Length of visit
  20. Referral page
  21. Mouse cursor position
  22. Mouse clicks
    Page scroll position


You can change your settings for cookies and similar technologies here:

Please note that this will not completely remove the cookies already stored on your device. You can delete the cookies already stored on your device by following the instructions below:

Deleting cookies in Internet Explorer 

Deleting cookies in Firefox 

Deleting cookies in Chrome

Deleting cookies in Opera   

Deleting cookies in Safari 

For information relating to other browsers, visit the browser developer's website. Please be aware that if cookies are disabled, not all features of the Website may operate as intended. Please contact us at gdpr@bristan.com if you have any questions or concerns.